"Rosa oder Hellblau: Was macht das Gendermarketing mit uns?"
There is a lot of money to be made with products for children – in pink for girls and blue for boys. In the toy departments, the roles for children are firmly cemented. Children are familiar with these categories and know exactly which toys are intended for them, even if they would actually prefer to play with something completely different. Breaking out of this norm is difficult - especially for boys: while it is accepted or even welcomed for girls to climb trees, it is often met with strong irritation when boys play with dolls.
Gender marketing is omnipresent and affects us more than we might like. In this expert interview, Dominique Grisard explains the different aspects and effects of gender marketing.
Expert Interview, Coopzeitung, 20 Aug 2024
"Scham ums Haar - Geschichte der Körperhaare"
Polished shells, resin and animal droppings - in the past, people used unusual methods to remove their body hair. And even today, many people have no qualms about it. Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard explains in this interview, what smooth skin reveals about our society.
Expert Interview, Kanal K, 18 Apr 2024
"Body Modification - Plastische chirurgie: Selbstbestimmung oder schönheitswahn?"
Cosmetic surgery is a recurring topic in the media. Whether in newspapers, on social media or even in our environment, injected lips and breast augmentations are omnipresent and lead to discussions. What are the motives behind such physical changes? Is it a reaction to social ideals or is it physical self-determaination? In this interview, gender expert and historian Dominique Grisard explains how she defines beauty and why cosmetic surgery is performed.
Expert Interview, Mixcloud, 8 Apr 2024
"Pink sehen"
In this interview, gender expert and historian Dominique Grisard explains the social and pop-cultural significance of the color pink.
Article announcement, Mar 2024
"Eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose?"
In her article, Dominique Grisard shows the interaction of gendered color symbolism (pink/rosé) with the materiality of the rose. She addresses how it constructed whiteness and thus ultimately contributed to the perpetuation of heteronormative myths of femininity and ideals of beauty.
Event announcement, 4 Dec 2023
"Curating Difference – Different Curating?"
We are delighted to announce the public event Long Table Discussions at Kunstmuseum Basel, Vortragssaal (entrance Picassoplatz): 4 Dec 2023, 6.15 – 8 pm, in English. Free entry!
Take a seat at a table, discuss with experts in the art world or just listen. Together we will address persisting challenges and changing notions of leadership and curation as well as therefore necessary coalitions and supportive structures. An adapted version of Lois Weaver’s format «long table» allows for in-depth discussions at four thematic tables: leadership & power, supportive structures & powerful allies, curating: challenges & interventions and coalitions & networks.
Red roses, golden guardian angels and glittering handbags are considered pure kitsch. But why is that?
In this interview, gender expert and historian Dominique Grisard explains the ambiguous and histrocally evolving meaning of the negatively connoted term 'kitsch'.
Expert Interview, Podcasts, SRF 1 Radio, 3 May 2023
"Rosa oder Hellblau: Gendermarketing bringt Milliarden ein"
The girl gets the toy doll in pink. The superhero in the blue dress is for the boy. Advertising already shows to children which products are for their gender. This is called gender marketing. There is big business behind it.
Gender marketing cements old and questionable role models among young people, according to critics. Nonetheless, it goes on and on. In this SRF interview, gender expert Dominique Grisard explains how gender marketing works and why this advertising trend continues despite criticism.
Expert Interview, Podcasts, SRF 4 News, 5 Oct 2022
"Fünf Jahre #MeToo: Eine Bilanz"
Gender expert Dominique Grisard recently appeared on "SRF 4 News" to sum up the effects of the #MeToo movement referring to sensitization on different branches (cultural sector, schools, businesses, state institutions) leading to lasting changes in order to prevent abuse of power.
Expert Interview, Podcasts, Radio SRF 3, 18 Sep 2022
"Gender Disappointment: «Ich wollte doch einen Jungen…»"
Lena's joy over the pregnancy was huge, but then her bummer: It's a girl. She wanted a boy. "For me, a world collapsed". Disappointment about the gender of the unborn child has a name: Gender Disappointment.
Gender expert Grisard explains this phenomenon from a scientific perspective, refering to the influence of gender images on stereotypical, gendered ideas parents have about the future relationship and potential activities with their unborn girl or boy (from 12:18 - 17:31).
Expert Interview, Kulturplatz, Swiss Radio and Television, 14 Sep 2022
"Vom Verschwinden der Frau"
Gender is not biologically predetermined, but a social and societal construct and thus can be changed or ignored. This is the demand of the transgender community. But more and more women who have fought as feminists for their rights as women are taking this too far. They see their achievements threatened by the dissolution of gender boundaries.
In the interview of 'Kultuplatz', gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about the feminist aspect in both perspectives and the importance of abuicity tolerance in todays society.
Panel, Kunsttage Basel Talks and Radio X, 1 - 4 Sep 2022
During the Kunsttage Basel, the spectacular courtyard of the main building of the Kunstmuseum Basel becomes a meeting point and place of exchange for the urban and national art scene. In media partnership with Radio X, Kunsttage Basel will host panels and interviews with cultural protagonists that can be followed live on site and on the radio.
Panel with:
Dominique Grisard (director 'CSR', co-director 'The Art of Intervention', board member 'Verein Kunsttage Basel')
Seraina Dür (art mediator and artist)
Anna Schürch (lecturer and researcher in the field of art education Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK)
Andrea Zimmermann (co-director 'The Art of Intervention', project managament «Diversitätsmonitoring in Kulturorganisationen», project management «Geschlechterverhältnisse in Schweizer Kulturbetrieben» (Uni Basel, PH, CSR)
Gender historian Dominique Grisard discusses about the potential of color pink and how it became a symbol of political and liberal power. Read the full article here.
Expert Interview, NZZ am Sonntag, 6 Aug 2022
"Pinkflation: Mode wird nur für Frauen teurer"
In recent years, women's fashion has become more and more expensive, while the price of men's and children's clothes has hardly changed. Gender expert Dominique Grisard explains the evolution of different prices for comparable products in terms of the societial impact on women's willingness to buy. Read the full article here.
Expert Interview, Uninova Nr. 139, May 2022
"Princess rooms and car-themed palaces"
Historian and gender researcher Dominique Grisard discusses how the design of children’s rooms continually maintains gender roles and how much influence middle-class notions still have on today’s parents. Read the full article in English or German.
Expert Interview, Züri Today, 11 Mai 2022
"Deshalb sind Körperhaare bei Frauen noch immer ein Politikum"
When the temperatures rise, thick coats are replaced with airy and shorter clothes. For women, this means: removal of body hair. In her interview with Züri Today, historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about the politics of body hair removal.
Book announcement, Mar 2022
"Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective"
We are delighted to announce the release of the book "Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective", written by Dominique Grisard, Annelise Erismann and Janine Dahinden (ed.), published by Seismo Press.
Violence is a persistent element of modern history and it always has been gendered. Today’s violent times have politicized and mobilized new publics, generated creative forms of resistance, incited the most unlikely coalitions, and emboldened to live life differently.
The systemic use of rape as a strategy in war fare, nationalism, and settler colonialism, the persistency of intimate partner violence, and the increasingly open racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic discrimination are just a few examples of violence’s omnipresent gender dimension. The contributions of this volume analyse violence and multiple forms of resistance from an interdisciplinary gender perspective. They show that violence is not just a central and powerful structuring principle of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, and class, but that it is also part of the fabric of nation states and structures all social relations. In addition, the contributions depict manifold strategies and tactics of confronting gendered violence.
For open access publication, please visit the website of Seismo Press.
Exhibition with eventseries, Kunstmuseum Basel Gegenwart, 19 Mar - 14 Aug 2022
"Heute Nacht geträumt"
A cooperation of Kunstmuseum Basel, University of Basel, Center for Gender Studies, Art of Intervention, Pro Helvetia and Center for Social Research.
From what point does the contemporary begin? Which documents say what? Where does my body belong? Will I come back? At the heart of the questions that shape Ruth Buchanan’s exhibition Heute Nacht geträumt at Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart is the desire to reconsider the paradigms under which museums might function today.
30.03.2022 From what point does the contemporary begin?
13.04.2022 Where does my body belong?
28.04.2022 Wer sind alle? Vortrag Nora Sternfeld
04.05.2022 Werde ich wiederkommen?
Expert Interview, Basler Zeitung, 11 Mar 2022
Can young women today have as many sex partners as they want, or do they still have to fear for their reputation? Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard explains slutshaming from the view of societal judgement against women, emphasizing the different mechanisms and consequences of living out sexuality and sexualization of women. Read the full article here (paywall).
Expert Interview, Radio X, 8 Mar 2022
"Rollenklischees in Kinder- und Jugendbüchern"
Stereotyping starts early, even in children's books. Pink, princesses and fairies for girls. Blue, knights or construction workers for boys. Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard explains what effects these rolestereotypes in children's and young adults' books have on children and where society stands in this respect today. For the full interview, please visit the website Radio X.
Expert Interview, Annabelle, Feb 2022
"Mach dich frei"
Gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about (fashionable) permissiveness of women as an act of feminist self-empowerment in dependence of men's claim on women's bodies. Read the full article here.
Expert Interview, Kulturzeit, 3Sat, 21 Jan 2022
"Januhairy - Wenn die Körperbehaarung politisch wird"
Shaved legs and armpits are part of the current beauty standard. But rebellion against it is stirring - first and foremost on the web: The Januhairy campaign began with a hashtag and a call, aimed primarily at women, to let their hair grow out for a month and post photos of it on the web.
In her interview with Kulturzeit, historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard talks about the politics of hair as exemplified by the 1960s hippie movement.
Expert Interview, 10vor10, Swiss Radio and Television, 20 Dec 2021
"Weihnachtsgeschenke in Pink und Blau"
Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about gender marketing and its psychological effects on the children.
Expert Interview, Zeitblende, Swiss Radio and Television, 14 Aug 2021
"Die Linksterroristin in Hindelbank"
Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard recently appeared on "Zeitblende" to discuss Gabriele Kröcher-Tiedemann, founding member of the "2 June Movement" in the early 1970s.
Eye-opening findings: the preliminary study by the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Basel, commissioned by the Swiss Center for Social Research and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, finds first signs of change in traditional gender relations in the Swiss cultural sector, albeit the persistence of stark gender inequalities, particularly in the music sector.
The occasion and backdrop of the conference in 2021 is the 50th anniversary of Swiss wom*n’s right to vote, introduced in 1971. The conference tackles the theme of «wom*n’s suffrage and democracy» from a democracy and gender theoretical, intersectional and postcolonial perspective with a focus on both Switzerland and the situation in other countries and contexts.
With keynotes by Professors Hoda Elsadda (Cairo University) and Andrea Maihofer (University of Basel).
When: 26. - 27. November 2021
Where: University of Zurich
Expert Interview, Radio SRF 3, Swiss Radio and Television, 22 Apr 2021
"Emotionen und Gender"
Within the framework of 'Nid glich - Eine Aktion für Gleichstellung', historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about emotions and gender, and why angry women are perceived differently than angry men.
Exchange, Kaserne Basel, 8 Mar 2021
"Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kulturbereich - zwischen Vision und Realität"
The gender backlash triggered by the Corona crisis makes it clearer than ever: there is a disproportion between the sexes. We ask artists, organisers, cultural politicians and academics: What is the state of culture? The aim of the discussion is to show why it is necessary and worthwhile to put diversity and equality into practice in cultural institutions. The discussion will call for a targeted commitment to inclusive structures, especially in the fields of music, theatre and dance, and strengthen self-activation in order to break down the existing disproportions. The panel will focus attention on a currently highly explosive topic. We will discuss resistance and challenges as well as concrete steps for action to achieve better cooperation and significant structural changes.
With Andrea Zimmermann, Ariane Andereggen, Dominique Rovini, Lucrezia Perrig and others.
Expert Interview, Radio SRF 3, Swiss Radio and Television, 2 Feb 2021
"Die Genderfalle"
Within the framework of 'Nid glich - Eine Aktion für Gleichstellung', historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard thematises gender trap, role models and their effects on lifestyle and lifequality of parents as well on clothing choice for children.
Expert Interview, 20min, 23 Nov 2020
"Kritik an Migros Preisen: 'Das Ü-Ei ist exemplarisch für die Ungleichheit der Geschlechter'"
Gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about pink taxing on products for children as well as adults. Read the full article here.
Expert Interview, Swiss Radio and Television, 16 Nov 2020
"Miss-Schweiz in Konkurs - Die Schweizerin von heute soll 'hot' sein, nicht hübsch"
Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about social shift of gender images from sexist object to self-sexualizing subject. Read the full article here.
Expert Interview, Einstein, Swiss Radio and Television, 5 Nov 2020
"Die Macht der Geschlechterrollen"
Why are girls and boys divided into pink and blue at an early age? Why are most studies in research focused on men and what does this mean for women? "Einstein" reviews common gender roles and shows their serious consequences. Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about gender marketing and its effects on children.
"Shared memories of equality movements - an intergenerational dialogue"
In view of the 50 year anniversary of wom*n's suffrage in Switzerland in 2021 and the 2nd wom*n's strike in 2019, this roundtable convenes different generations of wom*n who were and are involved in the (queer) feminist equality movement and other emancipatory projects. We will ask the discussants about the significance of the different emancipatory movements in Switzerland, their commonalities and differences: What were the panelists’ central experiences, problems and goals? What do they believe has been achieved and what are the next urgent issues? And finally, what do we learn from each other? How could a broader, intergenerational, collective or shared memory of the history of movements and experiences be gained?
With roundtable guests Serena Dankwa, Ella Hautier, Elisabeth Joris, Patricia Schulz and moderator Dominique Grisard (SAGS board member, historian and gender scholar).
Where: Online. The roundtable can be viewed here: Video
Expert Interview, 10vor10, Swiss Radio and Television, 13 Oct 2020
"Die Misswahl - Der Beginn einer Revolution" im Kino
On November 20, 1970, historical events took place at the "Miss World" election in London. Now a film humorously traces the feminists' revolt against sexism and chauvinism at the time. Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard recently appeared on "10vor10" to discuss about miss-elections in Switzerland during the 60s.
Family* is a way of life in motion. Our conversation will focus on the currently rapidly changing, increasingly translocal arrangements of patchwork, rainbow, care, refugee and migrant family networks. At the same time, the boundaries and resistances that these new family practices encounter will be discussed: In the everyday life of an Afghan young man and his Lucerne foster family or a theatermaker with children in the Swiss theater business. Family* is also characterized by ambivalences. We talk about the family as a space of experience of security, intimacy as well as mutual care and attention for one another, but also as a place of violence, abuse, neglect and reproduction of inequality. The goal is to critically assess the significance of current processes around family from scientific and practical perspective.
Whose bodies move seamlessly across borders and whose bodies are systematically stopped, controlled and surveilled? To whom is subject status granted, and who is methodically compared with tradable goods in terms of the social and economic value? This exchange within the framework of a round table aims to dissect the body and movement policies in their relationship to colonial history, racialized capitalism and commodity racism.
In accordance with the international decade for people of African descent, we will focus on manifestations of institutional racism - from economic discrimination and educational differences to racist (police) controls and various forms of othering and S/exoticization that particularly affect the everyday lives of black people. We will question how experiences of everyday anti-black racism are part of the politics of the body and mobility and how they are influenced by gender, sexuality, class, nationality and skin color, both historically and in today's increasingly visual culture. Finally, we will look at the possibilities and limitations of art as an intervention in structural racism in Switzerland and beyond.
Round table with Vanessa Thompson, Claudia Wilopo, Mohomodou Houssouba, moderated by Serena Dankwa
"Körperbehaarung bei Frauen: Warum ist es immer noch ein Tabu?"
Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about female body hair, social norms and maintenance of the image of femininity. Read the full article Text.
Event Series "Circular Flow", Online Lecture, 25 May 2020
Online lecture followed by Q&A with Rizvana Bradley (History of Art and African-American Studies, Yale) and moderator Dominique Grisard (The Art of Intervention, Gender Studies, Basel).
This talk is part of the event series "Circular Flow - On the Economy of Inequality" and addresses racialized embodiment and embodied life in relation to the interlocking questions of violence, surplus, and representation that subtend globalized flows of capital. If, as Paula Chakravartty and Denise Ferreira da Silva suggest, the logic of global financial capital hinges upon an irreducible raciality, how might we think about the minor aesthetic practices generated by "aberrant economic subjects" who at once bear the conditions of possibility for, intransigent threats to, and deviant enactments of dispossessive accumulation?
When: Monday, 25. May 2020, 6.15 pm
Information on how to access the lecture and Q&A here.
Expert Interview, Program "Hotspot", Swiss Radio and Television, 28 Jan 2020
"The Gender Trap, Episode 4: Advertisement Beyond Blue and Pink"
Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard recently appeared on "Hotspot" to discuss about gender trap in advertisment.
Pink razors for women or blue ballpoint pens for men - gender marketing determines our everyday life and affects more industries than we might think. Certain companies make a lot of profit with "gendered" products. However, most of these companies are also affected by the gender trap.
Every one of us has already been caught in this trap: The exact same product, once in pink for women, once in blue for men. Gender-separated toys, clothes and food are everyday life for us. But this colour specific advertising has only existed in this form since the 1990's explains historian Dominique Grisard.
Gender marketing goes much deeper than the difference of colours: from insurance companies to furniture stores, companies rely on man-woman products. Some use this tactic extensively for their business: Gilette, Coca Cola, Disney and Co. make good profit with their gender specific products. But other companies would do better if they would change their strategies, marketing experts clarify. The male-female categorization is very often chosen to design and promote a product. Although this categorization is rarely really suitable, it does have a huge influence on our society.
Expert Interview, "Sonntagszeitung", 19 Jan 2020
"Die Rosa-Horror-Show"
Gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about stereotyping in childrens clothing and the parental effects on enableing the stereotype. Read the full article here.
Preliminary Study, Oct 2019 - 2021
"Preliminary Study on Gender Relations in the Swiss Cultural Sector"
This October we launched a preliminary study on gender relations in the Swiss cultural sector to be conducted at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel under the supervision of Dr. Andrea Zimmermann. In cooperation with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and the Swiss Center for Social Research, a comprehensive, nationwide study on the subject of equal opportunities is being prepared, as it has been demanded for some time now by various actors from the fields of culture and cultural policy. As part of the preliminary study, existing data will be compiled and supplemented by qualitative interviews. In close cooperation with experts from the fields of culture and science from all over Switzerland, central indicators for a more detailed analysis can thus be developed. The project also aims to communicate initial findings on individual sectors and regional charakteristics to an interested public. The study will be completed by the beginning of 2021.
Panel Discussion, Kaserne Basel, 5 Dec 2019
"Der Theaterbetrieb - Spielräume für die Geschlechter?"
"What role do gender relations play in Swiss cultural life?" Since October, a team of scientists at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel, in cooperation with Pro Helvetia and the Swiss Center for Social Research, have been investigating this important question within the framework of the "Preliminary study on Gender Relations in the Swiss Cultural Sector". As a first step, the study focuses on theatre businesses. The panel discussion will address to what extent gender continues to play a central role: in salary negotiations, training, the design of theater schedules, questions of staffing, questions of the compatibility of family and career and filling management positions.
The interdisciplinary series “grrrls grrrls grrrls” aims to pose the question using the most diverse artistic formats and in close exchange with the current scientific discourse: How equal are we really today? On this occasion, the now legendary Monkey Bar opens its doors to everyone, including you and your perspective.
In the interdisciplinary exhibition "Ich Mann. Du Frau.", the question arises whether there were female hunters and collectors beside male ones, whether women painted cave walls, and whether queens ruled in the older Iron Age. And today? Why do girls like Rosa so much? Why does Migros offer gender-specific soups for children? Why is the women's strike a necessity?
The exhibition "Ich Mann. Du Frau." answers these apparently trivial questions by questioning our idea of the past and moving away from a male-centric view. In the light of archaeological facts, we see a great variety of role and social models that must have existed in the millennia of prehistory, and are invited to reflect more about our society today.
With their video and sculptural installations, the artists present their views on the construction of the historical narrative and the definition of gender.
Gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses how pink became such a feminine colour and explains why the "pink-izing" is worrying. Read the full article here.
Conference of Swiss Association for Gender Studies, 12 - 13 Sep 2019
"Violent Times, Rising Protests. Structures, Experiences, and Feelings"
Violence is a persistent element of modern history. This notwithstanding, a growing number of people experience today‘s world as particularly violent. The media‘s incessant coverage of continuous warfare, the rise of hate in social media, the growing number of angry citizens or «Wutbürger», the increasingly open racist, sexist, and homophobic discrimination against all «others» and «strangers», and last but not least the persistence of sexual assault, are just a few examples of violence‘s omnipresent, global dimension.
Are these expressions of violence connected to each other and if so, in which way? How can violence be analyzed in its historic distinctiveness? How to grasp the way it makes people feel? The diverse conference contributions analyze violence from a transdisciplinary gender perspective.
When: 12 - 13 Sept 2019
Where: University of Berne, Uni Muesmatt, Muesmattstrasse 29, 3012 Bern
Article, undKinder Nr. 103, Kinder und Kleider, Jul 2019
"Die 'weiche Macht' von Farbe. Rosa Geschlechtersozialisation"
About thirty years ago, color became an omnipresent, highly visible technology of gender socialization, insofar as it visually, affectively and symbolically declares its belonging to a gender, but increasingly also addresses gender creativity. Dominique Grisard examines in this article in the magazine undKinder Nr. 103 the question of how color unfolds a soft power in children's lives.
The Center for Social Research supported the publication of
"Racial Profiling - Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand"
Racist police controls are part of everyday life in Europe. They drastically reveal who is not considered a fellow citizen. While a large part of the dominant society perceives this racist practice as normal, more and more affected people are no longer willing to accept it without resistance
This volume brings together scientific, artistic and activist contributions on the social backgrounds and effects of racial profiling and the possibilities of intersectional anti-racist resistance. The focus is on Switzerland, supplemented by perspectives from authors who are familiar with the German context.
Expert Interview, Health Program "Puls", Swiss Radio and Television, 24 Jun 2019
"The Meaning of Body Hair"
Historian and gender expert Dominique Grisard recently appeared on "Puls" to discuss about the meaning of the body hair in context of history, gender and sexualization.
Expert Interview, "Der Bund", 11 Jun 2019
"Children's fashion"
Gender expert Dominique Grisard discusses about gender marketing, its effects on role patterns and the trend towards gender-neutral clothing. Read the full article here.
Performance and Public Discussion, 27 May 2019
"Wildwuchs Festival 2019: We Bodies"
Public discussion moderated by Dominique Grisard following the performance of "We Bodies".
We Bodies deals with the figure of the monster. Because the monster can override ideas of normality and thus resembles the miracle. Even a miracle, by its appearance, questions our natural order. A monster is a mixed being: Neither man nor woman, neither animal nor human, neither natural nor artificial.
In their performance, Teresa Vittucci, Michael Turinsky and Claire Vivianne Sobottke create a new language of movement based on their own limitations and attributions. The supposed failure becomes a possibility and the encounter of the three becomes a political-social field of research.
Art and Politics, Children's Books Table, 15 May 2019
"Bunt & vielfältig. Kinderbücher heute"
The event "Bunt & vielfältig. Kinderbücher Heute" takes place on the occasion of IDAHOT, the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, and the theme week BUNT! Basel divers.
The modern life reality of children looks colorful. But what makes this diversity so special? And how can it be possible to talk with children about attributions, ideals and identifications in a prejudice-conscious and gender-sensitive manner, as well as to thematise diverse lifestyles and family models - without emphasising them? The Art of Intervention presents selected books for children of pre-school age, which contain the complexity of role models for children and of life and family plans.
When: Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Where: Alte Markthalle Basel
Performances and Theoretical Reflection, 16 - 20 Mar 2019
"Das Spiel der Mimesis - Einführende Überlegungen zu einer Kritik der Geschlechterordnung"
A cooperation of the Center for Social Research with Kaserne Basel and Zentrum Gender Studies University of Basel.
We imitate to absorb others. Mimesia started with this idea in Cairo in 2017. While working there, Miriam Coretta Schulte got to know a network of solidary women - and was fascinated. The admiration of admiration became the reason to assemble artistic accomplices. And to remember who shaped us. When do we admire some people so much that we want to resemble them? Can we as adults use our capacity for imitation and imitation to emancipate and solidarize ourselves?
On the occasion of the performance Mimesia by Miriam Coretta Schulte, researchers from the Center for Gender Studies will be inviting to an introduction to feminist aspects of the performance, the title-giving concept of mimesis and the role of role models, and to examine them in the light of their own research.
Expert Interview, Special Solothurn Film Festival, Swiss Television, 31 Jan 2019
"La Petite Mort"
a documentary on the female orgasm, 2018, dir. Annie Gisler
Few women know their own bodies and how to experience sexual pleasure. Even fewer share their concerns, ideas and fantasies with intimate partners. It seems easier to fake an orgasm than to take seriously, give voice and negotiate sexual preferences, desires and practices. And this in hyper-sexualized times. What happened since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s? How relevant is women's sexuality to gender equality? Watch!
Expert Interview, Gendermarketing, Nau.ch, 19 Dec 2018
"Lindt in der Kritik wegen sexistischem Goldbären"
Lindt's popular gold bear now also exists as a "girl" version. With heavily made-up eyes and a pink coat. Gender expert Dominique Grisard unpacks the sexist logic of gender marketing.
Theoretical reflection, 21 Oct 2018
"Staging Gender, Staging Queerness: Einführende Überlegungen zu einer Kritik der Geschlechterordnung"
A cooperation of the Center for Social Research with Kaserne Basel and Zentrum Gender Studies University of Basel.
As part of the performances between 18 and 22 October 2018, researchers from the Centre for Gender Studies will be offering a thematic lecture on the subject matter Desiring Contradiction, which will focus on the aspects of various performances and illuminate them against the background of their own research projects.
A cooperation of the Center for Social Research with Kaserne Basel and Zentrum Gender Studies University of Basel.
Desiring Contradiction combines various perspectives and aesthetic languages from Bangalore, Basel, Cape Town, New York City and Tehuantepec. The artists question and present opinions on issues such as transgender, gender fluidity and queering. The thematic focus provides an opportunity for discussion and reflection on the structure of identities and promotes a fluid image of gender.
The subject matter Desiring Contradiction marks the start of a long-term cooperation with the Center for Gender Studies and the Swiss Center for Social Research, whose common goal is to foster a dialogue between theory, theater and performance practice: students and researchers gain insight into production processes and in return are given the opportunity to contribute with their analysis to the program of Kaserne Basel.
The Center for Social Research is co-organizing the event series "The Art of Intervention" with Kunstmuseum Basel Gegenwart and the University of Basel Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften. The event series thematizes critical and visionary perspectives in art and culture on current debates about the multiple crises of capitalism, reignited nationalisms, gender and migration politics.
We invite you to visit our blog and to check out our flyer.
When: Tuesdays, 6pm
Where: Kunstmuseum Basel Gegenwart, St. Alban-Rheinweg 60
Event Series, "The Art of Intervention", 16 Oct 2018
This talk is part of the lecture series "The Art of Intervention" by the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Basel in cooperation with Kunstmuseum Basel Gegenwart and Swiss Center for Social Research.
When: Tuesday, 16 Oct 2018, 6pm
Where: Kunstmuseum Basel Gegenwart
Expert Interview, Swiss Radio and Television, 16 Mar 2018
"Aldo Moro, Terror and the Swiss"
The kidnapping of Italian prime minister Aldo Moro, the Italian Terror and connections to the German Red Army Faction: trails in and through Switzerland. One could say that Switzerland served as a liaison between the terror organisations of the Italien Red Brigades and the German RAF - a transit country.
Central to this feat was that the Swiss thought of Terror as something foreign and deeply un-Swiss, says historian Dominique Grisard in this interview.
Expert Interview, Kontext, Swiss Radio and Television, 29 Mar 2017
"Terror 1977: Seduced Women"
Historian Dominique Grisard discusses the role of women in 1970s left wing terrorist phenomena. Listen to her interview here.
"The Politics of Beauty" Special Issue Forthcoming
The Center for Social Research co-organized an international conference and summer school on the theme of "The Politics of Beauty" at the University of Cambridge (30 Aug - 3 Sep 2016). We are currently working on a special issue of a journal on "The Politics of Beauty".
Expert Interview, Science Program "Einstein", Swiss Radio and Television, 17 Sep 2015
"Youth and Sexuality"
Today everything is sexy and hot. Anal and oral are the new normal. Our youth lives in a digital world. All it takes is a few clicks: what we see are macho-like pimps and women portrayed as willing "arm candy". How do adolescents deal with the hyper-sexualization of the everyday. Are worries about a "generation porn" justified?
Round table, "Der Club", Swiss Radio and Television, 17 Feb 2015
CSR director Dominique Grisard recently appeared on Swiss National TV round table "Der Club" to discuss the global popularity of the "Fifty Shades of Gray" books and film and what the phenomenon can tell us about women's reading and viewing pleasures in the 21st century.